Monday, March 1, 2010

Spawn of Evil

I have blood oozing out my veins
even that couldn't satiate my need for pain
I wodner if my death is what is needed
or will that be too little too late

My life as I would like is long gone
I fear I'm just waiting to explode
I feel I'm being called to hallowed grounds
To feast on my own flesh and le the evil grow

Does what I'm becoming scare you
I am a spawn of your indifference
and now its you that I hunger for
consume and tear your meat from your bone

Monday, November 16, 2009

Death by Hypocrisy

I don't know why I try to live a happy life
Coz at the end I'll just be miserably brain dead
Why can't I simply play my part and accept my fate
Instead I fill myself with your poison and hate

You hurt me but you still cry, curse me, and wish me to die
All you really do is hide from real life
In your self made hell I rot, waiting for you to shut the light
Give me my kiss now let me go, you're screwed and you know it so

But wait, why must I feel this hatred and why must I die
Your hyporcrisy, your shit and your lies,
I think its safe to say its time you just roll over and die
You hypocrite, You living lie

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Killers Unleashed

Walking through the shadows, I feel him watching me
my steps quicken as his darkness spreads
I know he's smiling, I can sense him draw his scythe

Screaming now, I start running thinking of the worst
Stalking me and enjoying it, he knows I'm trapped
My last thoughts are if someone will know I'm gone

He strikes silently, spilling my intestines and insides
I know he's going to kill me slowly, painfully.
My tears mix with my blood as I still try to claw away

I realize I haven't even looked him in his eyes
I slowly turn around expecting to be shocked, but not like this
I stare in to my reflections laughing as my breath leaves me

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Curse You

It feels like my sense of sanity has been torn from me
You've taken my hand and led me to the doors of despair
I like a fool have followed and kissed myself goodbye

My only salvation is the abuse I hurl at myself
my only shelter from the cold brutality of where I'm left alone
As I slowly kill myself inside out I hope for some respite

Martyrdom was never my cup of tea, I hope you die
Slowly, miserably and then realize that death doesn't come easily
I hope you beg like I'm doing now

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Warped Mind

Harsh words, blood, gore and violent blows,
all parts of my life of which no one knows
Dark dreams, Twisted thoughts, painful loss,
they all haunt me like a ghost from the past

Knives and blades stuck in my veins,
these seem to be my only friends
Sleeping awake and still dreaming on,
My life's a blur, still barely moving on

Burnt and wasted, warped and hollowed,
have nothing left on offer at all
Let me go I beg of you,
lest my disease spreads to you

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pain me no more

Why must I be in so much pain
Do you enjoy the sight of my blood
on your hands, on your body
Soon I will be nothing but ash and dust
I wonder, then will the pain cease
or will my torment be eternal
Why don't you kill me quickly
Cut me in to so many pieces its impossible to see
Why do you not put me out of my misery
Why world why

Monday, September 15, 2008

Anger, Hate and you...

I'm sick of it all, sick of what I've turned into
There is so much anger inside me,
Where did it come from, will it ever be gone
You make me so angry
Everything about you makes me sick in anger
I'm sick of it all sick of my life.

My anger is deep within me
No one can hear me screaming in agony
My anger wants to kill me, Its what makes me mad
Makes me want to smash a wall
Makes me want to carve my body with hate
I'm sick of all the anger, sick of my life

I have enough hate to burn a forest
Hate that creeps, sneaks and haunts
Hate that makes the worst of every situation
Hate that cuts into my nerves, worse than a blade
Hate that cannot be controlled, hate that sickens my world
I'm sick of all the hate, sick of my life

I'm sick of it all
Sick of the misery and the chaos
Sick of the despair and desolation
Sick of the pain and the strife
Sick of the hurt, sick of life
but loving the knife.